Anti-Slavery Australia | Modern Slavery
Forced Marriage Multilingual Resources
Anti-Slavery Australia | Forced Marriage
Forced Labour Multilingual Resources
Anti-Slavery Australia | Forced Labour
Outstanding Commitment to Human Rights
UTS Law, 2020 | Modern Slavery
Jai’s Story
Anti-Slavery Australia | Forced Labour, Human Trafficking, Survivors’ Stories
Maria’s Story
Anti-Slavery Australia | Human Trafficking, Forced Labour, Survivors’ Stories
Abdul’s Story
Anti-Slavery Australia | Forced Labour, Modern Slavery, Survivors’ Stories
Sun’s Story
Anti-Slavery Australia | Forced Labour, Human Trafficking, Survivors’ Stories
Jai’s Story
Anti-Slavery Australia, 2020 | Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking, Forced Labour
Maria’s Story
Anti-Slavery Australia, 2020 | Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking, Forced Labour
Submission to the Inquiry into the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW) and Associated Matters
Anti-Slavery Australia, 2019 | Australian Law, Modern Slavery, Modern Slavery in Supply Chains
Submission on the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW) Draft Regulation
Anti-Slavery Australia, 2019 | Modern Slavery, Modern Slavery in Supply Chains, Australian Law
Submission on the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) Draft Guidance
Anti-Slavery Australia, 2019 | Modern Slavery, Modern Slavery in Supply Chains
Migrants trapped in ‘slave-like’ conditions at Aussie farms – Government News
Government News, 2019 | ASA in the Media
Malavine Pulini & Isikeli Feleatoua Pulini (2019)
Qld, 2019 | Australian Court Cases, Human Trafficking, Forced Labour
Just one in Five Cases of Modern Slavery are Known to Police – Sydney Morning Herald
Sydney Morning Herald, 2019 | ASA in the Media, Human Trafficking
The Children’s Report: Australia’s NGO Coalition Report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
Australian Child Rights Taskforce, 2018 | Australian Law
A Brief Analysis of Australia’s Modern Slavery Bill – Anti-Slavery International Blog
Anti-Slavery International Blog, 2018 | ASA in the Media
Another World – Eastside FM
Eastside FM, 2018 | ASA in the Media
The Scourge of Modern Slavery – 2SER FM
2SER, 2018 | ASA in the Media