Research and Advocacy

Our research is grounded on a unique combination of practical, firsthand experience with survivors, coupled with academic rigour as part of the UTS Faculty of Law.

We conduct research, work in partnership and undertake commissioned work.

Our research areas include modern slavery, human trafficking, forced marriage, dowry abuse, online sexual exploitation of children, asylum seeker exploitation, survivors’ perspectives and modern slavery reporting requirements.

As the only specialist organisation which works directly with victims of modern slavery as well as a range of community, government and industry partners, we are uniquely placed to provide advice and support on issues of victim identification, remediation and reparations.

To find out more about the ways we can support your organisation through research and collaboration, please contact us.

Current Research Projects

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Strengthening consent-based decision-making, awareness, knowledge and communication around the issue of modern slavery in the family and household setting, with a particular focus on forced marriage in Australia. We will be engaging with, and connecting across, communities and sectors, to build the collective knowledge on forced marriage, and identify gaps in capacity and responses. We will be developing a variety of resources to train and build the capacity of those working in professions likely to encounter forced marriage and empowering young people to lead conversations on respectful relationships, gender roles, independence, familial expectations, and other themes of their choosing.

This project is funded by the Australian Department of Social Services.

For our latest research, see ‘Forced Marriage in Australia: Building a Social Response with Frontline Workers’.

Justice For All: Exploring a National Compensation Scheme for Survivors of Modern Slavery

Establishing a targeted national compensation scheme to properly remedy the effects of modern slavery in Australia and assist victim-survivors to move forward and rebuild their lives. The lack of a coordinated approach to compensation has been a major impediment to victims of modern slavery obtaining fair, effective, and timely access to justice, and departs from international best practice. Establishing a national scheme is essential in holding Australia accountable for its commitment to prevent, address and remedy these human rights abuses.

For more information, see Justice for All.

Seeking Freedom: Addressing the Needs of Children Within the Context of Modern Slavery

Seeking to ensure the protection, respect and full realisation of children’s rights in the context of modern slavery. Through policy development, collaboration, education and awareness-raising, we aim to increase the identification of children subject to human trafficking, slavery and slavery-like practices as well as develop a better understanding of, and ability to meet, the needs of child victim-survivors of modern slavery in Australia.

This project is supported by 2022 Social Impact Grant from the UTS Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion.

For more information, see Seeking Freedom.

Previous Research Projects

Anti-Slavery Partnerships to Prevent Modern Slavery in Australia

Using innovative technology and participation techniques to establish a national community of practice of practitioners, community organisations, business, and government representatives engaged in combating modern slavery in Australia to increase awareness of modern slavery; build understanding of and responses to modern slavery; build capacity, particularly amongst community/frontline workers, to assist those vulnerable to modern slavery; and enhance networks and collaboration on modern slavery in Australia.

This project is funded by the Australian Department of Home Affairs.


We regularly write submissions to government inquiries advocating for law and policy reform to improve support for survivors of modern slavery, and are widely referenced in parliamentary reports.
From 2017 to 2019, we made 30 submissions based on research and consultation, to Commonwealth, State and foreign governments.
Over 90% of our recommendations were substantially or partially adopted by the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade’s Inquiry into establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia.


We co-convene the Trafficking Response Network and the NSW Forced Marriage Network with the Australian Red Cross. These networks bring together community and government organisations to share knowledge, experiences and strategies for engaging with communities and vulnerable people and coordinate responses to modern slavery and forced marriage in NSW.