The Select Committee on Human Trafficking in New South Wales was convened to further our understanding of human trafficking and related acts, their prevalence and how that affects our businesses, organisations and individuals in NSW. The Hon. Paul Green and the New South Wales Parliamentary Working Group on Modern Slavery worked with the Select Committee on Human Trafficking in New South Wales to develop the Modern Slavery Bill 2018. The Hon. Paul Green introduced the Modern Slavery Bill 2018 in the NSW Legislative Assembly on 8 March 2018. The Modern Slavery Bill 2018, introduced by the Hon. Paul Green, implements a mix of recommendations from the New South Wales and Federal parliamentary inquiries on human trafficking and modern slavery.
Anti-Slavery Australia provides comments on the Modern Slavery Bill 2018 as introduced by the Hon. Paul Green in the NSW Legislative Council on 8 March 2018. Anti-Slavery Australia commends the proposal to establish the office of the Anti-Slavery Commissioner and the requirements that New South Wales government agencies take steps to ensure that the goods and services they produce are not the product of modern slavery. Anti-Slavery Australia provides further comment on the Anti-Slavery Commissioner, supply chains, court orders and victim support.