On 19 May 2016, McIntosh (a pseudonym) pleaded guilty to 30 charges involving child trafficking, incest, indecent acts and child pornography offences.
McIntosh had fathered twin daughters born via an overseas surrogate and brought them to Australia with the intention of committing sexual acts on them. He sexually abused them and produced video recordings and images of those assaults for the purpose of making it available to others online.
McIntosh pled guilty to two charges of trafficking in children, arising out of his actions in facilitating the entry of the two girls into Australia with the intention that they be used to provide sexual services or otherwise be exploited.
McIntosh was also convicted of committing acts of incest and indecent acts against his daughters on 40 occasions in 2014 when they were aged 1-8 months, and producing video recordings and photographs of those assaults, which was child pornography material, for the purpose of making that material available to others online.
The defendant was sentenced to 22 years imprisonment reflecting the seriousness of the offending and the importance of deterrence, protection of the community, denunciation and punishment. For each of the trafficking in children charges, McIntosh was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment.