An evidence-based review of community asylum experiences in NSW and the ACT.
Anti-Slavery Australia at the University of Technology, Sydney was commissioned by UnitingCare NSW.ACT to undertake research and present an evidence-based review of community asylum seeker experiences in New South Wales (NSW) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The Paper was written by Angela Cranston at Anti-Slavery Australia with Jennifer Burn.
Anti-Slavery Australia thanks UnitingCare NSW.ACT for advice and support during the research process. In particular, we appreciate the guidance of Peter Worland who oversaw the initial planning process in consultation with Carol Hirt and Jono Hirt and who was involved in ongoing valuable consultation with Romola Hollywood, Gabe Kavanagh, Jon O’Brien and Kate Sharkey. We also thank Liz Barrett, Tina Rendell-Thornton and Christina Pebaque for their contribution to the project.
At Anti-Slavery Australia, the project was initiated by Beau Neilson and Austin Andrade in dialogue with Peter Worland at UnitingCare NSW.ACT. Ruth Chandler and Jo Pugsley coordinated staffing and resources. Jo Pugsley, UTS Law students Samuel Chua and Alexandra Squires-McCarthy and UTS Social Inquiry students Hannah Reid and Deni Giffard contributed valuable research assistance. We are grateful for the advice of Dr Elizabeth Biok, to Keith Petersen who edited the document and to Chris Goth for publishing assistance.
We sincerely thank the many asylum seekers and representatives from various agencies who work with asylum seekers and who so generously contributed to the research process. All interviews were conducted in accordance with UTS ethics approval guidelines and we assured participants that we would keep their identity confidential.
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