Pursuant to the agreement of the House of Representatives and the Senate, a Joint Select Committee (the Joint Select Committee on Government Procurement) was established to inquire into and report on the Commonwealth procurement framework.
Anti-Slavery Australia supports the introduction of new clauses into the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, which demonstrate the commitment of the Australian government to support ethical supplier practices. Anti-Slavery Australia recommends that the Commonwealth Procurement Rules be amended to specifically address human trafficking and slavery, and develop clear guidelines and training to assist procurement officers to effectively implement the new rules. Anti-Slavery Australia also advocates for the introduction of mandatory requirements in Government tenders and contracts if a contract is deemed to be as a high-risk of involving slavery and human trafficking in its supply chain, and the creation of a reporting mechanism to ensure that suppliers are held accountable for human rights abuses in their supply chains.
Anti-Slavery Australia Submission to the Inquiry into the Commonwealth procurement framework (2017)